Embedded Software

Our expertise is helping Clients from the areas Telecom NE & CPE, Automotive, Telematics & Handsets, digital entertainment, portable/wearable devices, healthcare devices, Industrial/Enterprise system providers and hardware/smart cards vendors creating their products.

Technology Areas
  • ARM, X86, MIPS
  • PCB, HIL
  • MCU, FPGA, Hypervisor, ECU
  • U-Boot, UEFI
  • Kernel, bus & graphics drivers
  • Peripheral & Communication drivers
  • RTOS, Linux, Android, Yocto
  • Connectivity, Protocol stacks, Application FrameWorks, SoC
  • Kiosk mode, HMI, Business Logic
Special Services
  • Advisory and definition / Requirements
  • Prototype and innovation projects
  • HW & SW design assembly and development
  • Simulation and Modelling
  • Test automation, Smart testing
  • Quality assurance
  • Certification
  • Integration
  • Cameras, Sensors, Actuators
  • Maintenance & support
  • Agile, Waterfall, V-Model
Selected Case Study | surgical head camera

Traumatec Group, an M-IoT specialized network partner, developed a surgical head camera specifically designed for use in surgical and general medical procedures. The system offers complete mobility and universal video distribution, be it inside or outside the operating Theatre. The commercial solution was based on a first prototype from the founders for which Thaumatec developed the FW on top.

Selected Case Study | Automotive telemetrics device

The most reasons for car accidents are distraction, attention, loose of control, and misjudge actions of other drivers. Our TECH partner Thaumatec designed, implemented, integrated, and tested HW and SW of the prototype of a comprehensive Telematics device, which was one of the first ADAS boxes with many unique sensors to increase safety and observation to provide the features trip Recording and storage, face processing, voice processing, location and street map query, trip score processing and drivers behaviour analysis.

Selected Case Study | Automotive Body Control Moduls and ECUs

To keep up with the continuously changing automotive world, the RINF TECH team seized the opportunity in developing the next generation of Digital Cockpit platform. We are engaged in providing high quality embedded system-level software and SDKs for many automotive ECUs (Body & Comfort, Telematics, ADAS, Powertrain & Chassis). Common platform for gasoline, diesel, and alternative powertrains with increased performance and scalability for current and future customer requirements Long-term availability of microcontrollers and reusability of application software supports functional safety requirements (ISO 26262) and offers new kinds of access and tuning protection.

Selected Case Study | Automotive Infotainment development

The client requested our partner RINF TECH to reinforce the delivery team on the latest In-Vehicle Infotainment System and we overtook the full ownership of the components Tuner, Media Player, and Audio Manager. The development process was assessed as A-SPICE 2 compliant with full delivery of the components including architecture design and testing. We have successfully designed, developed, and tested all 3 components, offering a fail-proof solution.

Smart Card Platform development and test

We have experience in Smart Card development for secure and fast data transactions contact, contactless and dual interface applications for eGovernment, banking and public transport. It offers advanced attack resistance and high performance, supported by powerful cryptographic coprocessors and ultra-low-power design. Implementation and verification of HAL (FW), Eval OS (example COS with c’less communication (ISO14443), FW and EvalOS on silicon samples (SO28), band out and FPGA, Test bench development for EvalOS, ISO 7816 and ISO 14443 interfaces, Certified crypto library, high execution speed, ultra-low power consumption, conceptual security measures, Common Criteria EAL 6+ certified, EMVCo approval.

Crypto Library Development

Design and implementation of the cryptographic library for Smart Cards and Mobiles platforms. The library is responsible for computing all cryptographic algorithms in a secure way. The implementation must pass the Common Criteria certification process. Cryptographic and Mathematical and algorithmic knowledge; ARM Cortex-M3 and 8051 architectures, Assembler, C99 standard, Programming language C#, Test automation (J/NUNIT); Requirement analysis, Root cause analysis for reported bugs; debugging and tracing, Static code analysis.