TECH News & Events


Die EUVIC GmbH wünscht
Allen Freunden, Partnern und Kunden
Frohe Ostern auch mit Lockdown,
Dass die Fallzahlen runter
und es schnell wieder bergauf geht.

Weihnachten und Sylvester 2020

Liebe Freunde, Kollegen und Geschäftspartner

Wir wünschen eine besinnliche Weihnacht und einen guten, besonnenen Rutsch in ein gesundes und erfolgreiches 2021

Am Ball bleiben und durchhalten

Welche Auswirkungen haben Lockdown und Corona auf die IT-Branche. Macht es Sinn, Arbeitsschritte aus dem Ausland wieder zurückzuholen? NEWBUSINESS hat Kurt
Neubauer, Managing Director der Euvic GmbH, um seine Einschätzung gebeten.
<NewBusiness Magazin 07.07.2020>

SW Service Companies | how to prepare during the Crisis

Ongoing cooperations with SW Clients are delayed and new engineering projects and businesses are rear, what to do meanwhile to fill the gaps and prepare the future.

Corona | threat or chance

The current crisis is a challenge for all business domains. Some companies and traders have unexpected business growth some are fighting to survive. Here a short overview and examples of winners, losers, and in-betweeners.

IT-Branche in Wrocław: Erfolg, Wachstum und Wandel

95 Prozent der Firmen der IT-Branche in Wrocław haben ehrgeizige Entwicklungspläne, 84 Prozent möchten ihre Teams vergrößern. Die größte Herausforderung für die Arbeitgeber bildet hingegen die Einstellung von erfahrenen und hoch spezialisierten Experten. Solche Schlüsse lassen sich u.a. aus dem Bericht ziehen, der gemeinsam von der Agentur für die Entwicklung des Ballungsraumes Wrocław und dem Cluster der innovativen Firmen ITCorner vorbereitet wurde. IT Branche in Wroclaw ist ein Erfolg

Gaming, FinTech und E-Autos und Ingenieure aus Polen

Gaming, FinTech und E-Autos: Polen ist einer der spannendsten Startup-Märkte Europas
Polen ist inzwischen einer der spannendsten Startup-Hotspots in Europa. Es gibt Ambitionen bei E-Autos und Smart City, die Gaming-Branche floriert ebenso wie das FinTech-Geschäft. Und: ein Viertel der Developer im CEE-Raum ist hier zuhause. Polen startups for gaming, autos u.v.m.

Erfolgreiche TECH4DACH Veranstaltung am 25.Juni 2019

Es war eine schoene und interessante Veranstaltung mit informativen Vortraegen, angeregter Diskussion und innovativen live Demos. Das RINF TECH, Thaumatec, EUVIC Team praesentierte den MATT Testrobot, Biometrics  scan device und IoT Prototypen und Loesungen aus dem Medizinbereich. Am meisten hat uns gefreut, dass alle Gaeste gekommen sind und wir auch viele Freunde und Kollegen aus unserer Historie wieder getroffen haben. Vielen Dank an alle, wenn Ihr Zeit habt sendet uns bitte per eMail Euer feedback, das wuerde helfen das naechste event noch besser und interessanter zu Gestalten. Euer TECH4DACH Team

We are expecting visitors from...

....during our TECH4DACH event in Vienna at 25th June.

EVENT of the initiative TECH4DACH

Our Partners RINF TECH, Thaumatec and LG Nexera are preparing with us an Tech4DACH event in Vienna related to Technology trends, this time in Robotics and IoT, which are basis for industry and solutions. Currently, many technological improvements and new ideas, especially in the software area, in standards and solutions are being developed and promoted for product creation. We are showing our knowledge about the correct application of technologies and tools during the event. We are inviting managers from KMUs and as well international Corporations to see our live demos and discuss their problems and needs.

Partnership with Bright Coders Factory

In July we have signed a base framework ageement with Bright Coders Factory which provides embedded systems, Applications, Mobile and Cloud solutions and complete blockchain solutions and a full range of services which include architecture design, blockchain consulting, support and maintenance, services and applications development and smart contracts.

Cooperation with Spyrosoft started

End of May a framework agreement between EUVIC GmbH and Spyrosoft Solutions S.A. was signed. We are cooperating on Business development in the DACH region for selected Leads and Clients. Spyrosoft consists of an exceptional team and cutting-edge technology which carefully select both - the best people and the right software solutions. Our mission for the clients is "together we achieve your business goals"and we are always willing to go the extra mile to find a solution that will serve you the best way possible.

Thaumatec is a new partner

We are proud to announce our partnership with the Polish-Netherlands SW Specialist Company Thaumatec, which is providing high quality SW solutions in the field of IoT and Robotics for US and Europaen clients.
Together we will be approaching the German, Austrian and Swiss Market with development and Integration of new platforms and products for the clients.

RINF TECH cooperation established

We are very happy to have signed a cooperation agreement with RINF TECH, one of the most innovative SW service companies in Romania with subsidaries in Ukraine and Bulgaria. RINF TECH is providing specialized SW Services in the embedded area and provides innovative test solutions e.g. the MATT, a testrobot using computervision and machine learning as base for fast and effective testing and universal applicable on touch screen products. We are cooperating to develop the business in Europe especially in the DACH area as one of the main regions.